54 Warwick Square, London SW1V 2AJ

Tel: +44 (0) 20 7630 8255   Mobile: 07732 857457   Email: enquiries@stancliffeandglover.co.uk

Independent Advice on Valuing and Selling

Stancliffe & Glover provides independent, well-informed advice to maximize returns and protect your interests. The art market is often complex and offers many different options, which may be further complicated by legal and taxation issues.

Our written valuation services include:
  • Inheritance tax (IHT) or probate valuation of chattels.
  • Estimated auction or market values, together with sale recommendations where required.
  • Inventories with detailed descriptions and supporting photographic records.
Valuation fees

Stancliffe & Glover’s valuation fees are based on the nature and amount of work involved and the time needed to prepare a detailed report. Please note that our fees are not related to the value of the property examined by our specialist valuers.


How can Stancliffe & Glover help?

We offer a practical and comprehensive service to help executors and their professional advisers handle these important tasks in relation to estate chattels – often the most challenging assets with which executors must deal. Our expert team will guide you swiftly and efficiently through every step of the administration, whether chattels are to be retained, distributed or sold.

The benefits to you:
  • The safeguard of our expertise.
  • Our personalised hands-on service.
  • Our knowledge and experience of the art market.
  • Stancliffe & Glover’s competitive terms of sale.
  • Meeting the exacting requirements of solicitors and other professional advisers acting as or for executors.

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